Saturday, 17 November 2012

Graduation Day and Formal

My 18 year old daughter has finally graduated from highschool. Our day started with dropping her off for breakfast at 7.30 at the school then a mad dash to buy shoes and a shirt for my husband (we like to leave things to the last minute) then back to school for last roll call where she recieved a vase with all of the graduating girls names on it.

It was a long day but it is something nice to look back on for her. I am relieved it is over and I now only have the house to worry about organising for a bit.

Here are some home grown non professional shots.

Us - My heels killed all night!

Off to schoolies to today, I have been telling her she needed to go all year but
she didn't want to then she changed her mind at the eleventh hour.


  1. OMG! Your daughter is just gorgeous!
    Hope she behaves herself at schools & you don't worry yourself sick!
    The house is coming along fantastically, looks great, I love you bi-folds!
    Have a great day
    x Jode

  2. Your daughter is absolutely beautiful...such a gorgeous dress!!!! Remember these same days...only I was discouraging my daughter to go to schoolies. Hope she enjoys her well erned holiday and returns safe and sound. x KL

  3. She returned home safe and sound and I am sure I will hear the "real" schoolie stories when she is older haha. No worries about balconies either as they stayed in a room without a balcony and near the bottom floor which turned out to a wise decision.

    Tash xx
